The primary question was how can we integrate farming and arts to create a safer and creative learning environment for the kids?
Just look at this farm! Kids decided to design the farm boundaries, but they did it by making eco-friendly art. First, they collected the waste cotton fabric and learned the process of natural dyeing. The farm boundaries you see are all made of organically dyed fabric! It rained a lot, but the dye didn’t fade away. That’s natural feedback which inspired the kids.
To convert the solidarity farm to an art farm, we made incredible artwork. The incessant rains became a big hindrance. This was affecting a few crops which don’t require much water. We decided to save every crop. The kids then made life-saving umbrellas out of card sheets. To protect these umbrellas, they wrapped it with waste thrown away plastic bags. They went one step ahead and depicted an entire farming cycle via Warli paintings on these umbrellas. How brilliant is that!
This led to the birth of life-saving art umbrellas! They are designed in a way which ensures that the water is thrown away to the nearby crop which requires more water.
That’s how you integrate arts, science, research, farming, and much more to get closer to nature. Every art form matters!
This is just the beginning. This farm will teach them a lot of art forms and other life skills. Every crop will be nurtured! Every kid is creative!
Here’s the first step in revolutionising education. What starts here will indeed change the world! I always wanted to give something back to the community, and on my birthday, we officially launch this ambitious Solidarity Art Farm Movement!
A big thank you to the creative kids, our fellows, and the amazing team at Insightwalk.